Kubus Sports is taken its responsibility for our environment. Working in the sports business and working with all the natural elements makes us want to preserve our natural playground.
Kubus Sports offices, warehouse and showroom are label A, refraining from Gas/Oil heating, driven by solar energy from our own solar power system.
Kubus Sports cars are electrical or hybrid cars.
Kubus Sports warehouse carries our solar panels which saves in total CO2 emissions of 32.571,59 kg, an equivalent of planting almost 1000 trees a year.
Kubus Sports introduced PURE tm in our harnesses, light, recyclable, thermomoulded without the use of resins.
Kubus Sports, introduced the PF1 and PF2 wetsuits using 100% nature rubber, recycled polyester lining, recycled PET bottles, waterbased glues, recycled Carbon Black and the most ECO wetsuit available today.
Kubus Sports entire wetsuit collection is made from Limestone neoprene and water based glues combined with dop dying process limiting the use of water.
Kubus Sports Brabo Goalie collection, made in house, uses recyclable foams and due to the heatmoulding process it is solvent and glue free.
Kubus Sports packaging, we strive to work with compostable plastics only.
Kubus Sports recycles it’s cardboard packaging and reduces waste.
Kubus Sports moved all packaging to cardboard base materials and less laminated papers which quickens the compostable process.
Watergoorweg 79
3861 MA Nijkerk
+31 (0) 88 5525200